Iron sand (magnetite), smelted iron sand bloom, forged steel made from iron sand, dishes, kneelers, small rake.
1 X 1 X 0.5 M
Karesansuei or Japanese rock gardens, create a stylized landscape through carefully composed arrangements of rocks and gravel. They were intended to imitate the essence of nature and to serve as an aid to meditation for monks when raking the sand.
The second part of my funding took me to Japan where I spent two months training with iron making masters, collecting and smelting my own steel from iron sand. Inspired by a visit to the Adachi gardens and the training I was receiving working with a sword-smith, I decided to use the handmade steel to make five blades.
Each blade has been cut up in to three pieces and displayed as part of five miniature Karesansuei, complete with hand forged tools for the viewer to rake the iron sand which surrounds each.